Who Are We?

We're a family run business with years of experience of looking after and caring for pets. If you name it, we've probably owned most of them! From the hairless - Fish, Bearded Dragons, Chameleons & Snakes to the fluffier animals of Hamsters, Ferrets, Rabbits, Cats & Dogs.

Paul - otherwise known to us as dad (Pictured Left.. Don't hold the football team against us) will no doubt be one of the first smiley faces to meet you on arrival. In a past life Paul was an Animal Health Inspector with years of experience. He knows exactly what your pets need to be happy and healthy in our care. Paul has grown up with and had dogs his whole 59 Years!

Connor, our eldest son (Pictured Back Right) has always had a love for pets. Starting at a young age he was always convincing us to pick a new pet up! Beginning with a goldfish, then moving up to a hamster, chameleon, bearded dragon and then of course, dogs! Working alongside Paul, they'll make sure you and your pet have the best experience at Seale Pastures Farm.

Carol, or mom to us (Pictured Front & Centre) is the brains of our operation. She provides more support than we have room to write on here! Whilst doing her own job, she covers our admin, keeps us fed and watered inbetween us playing with our lovely boarders and keeping the house running. Yet she still finds time to come and give her love to the pets that are staying with us. Carol's grown up with guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, cats & dogs while going on to help with the pets the kids wanted.


Morgan, our youngest son (Pictured Back Left) has always been involved with pets. While making sure he got time to give his love to all the pets we already had, Morgan decided it was snakes he was interested in! He's that extra pair of hands thats crucial to us, helping us give love to the pets we have in and plenty of play and walk time for those in our care. 

Special mention to Brenda, otherwise known as mom or nan to us (Pictured Front Right). A regular visitor that you may see walking around, she calls in weekly to give our guests fuss and attention. She was instrumental in helping with the cleaning when we first took over to make us what we are today!

As you can tell, our love for all types of pets spreads far and wide and we can't wait to meet your little family members and share it with them!


Charlotte has a love for animals no matter how big or small! In a house full of five dogs, two rabbits, two geckos and a turtle, working with animals comes naturally to Charlotte. While completing her Animal Management Level 3 course at College she gained experience in the animal world working not only at another kennels but with an Alpaca walking company too! Animals naturally love her and we're sure your furry friends will too! 


Sheena comes to us with experience  working with the RSPCA and her love for animals was clear from day one! There aren't many types of pet that Sheena hasn't owned from dogs, to cats, shes had snakes, lizards, rabbits and guinea pigs! She currently has a Border Collie called Teddy and Bearded Dragon called Jumanji!


Saskia has joined us also bringing previous experience working with the RSPCA. She has come with no less than six qualifications in dog care ranging from how dogs communicate to how to become a professional dog trainer. She has two pet Westies called Roxie and George, a rabbit called Cody as well as three mice, Diego, Tulula and Bailey!


Hollie's experience working with dogs comes from a little further a field picking up experience in both Spain and Romania in which she's helped rescue, raise and rehome dogs. Hollie's love for pets is clear to see and for the eagle eyed can be reaffirmed by the tattoo of her dogs paw prints on her wrist. Hollie has a Rottweiler called Milo, a Chihuahua called Woody and a cat named Oscar. 

Where are we based?

We're in the lovely countryside of Acresford in Derbyshire. We're in a secluded location but still within easy reach of the M42. Within our 6 acre grounds we have two secluded paddocks where dogs can exercise freely off their lead in a safe and secure environment. We have four fields, two of which we use to exercise dogs on a lead and you may often find sheep roaming the other two on your drive up to us.


If you're thinking of having your pets stay with us, be sure to give us a call and we'll be more than happy to show you around!

We've Always Been Animal Lovers..
(With Questionable Pet Name Choices and hairstyles!)

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